• We Have Your Food Safety Concerns Covered.

    Are paper logs and clipboards still part of your Food Safety program?
    Let ConcernTrak bring you into the 21st Century!

  • Covers Any Size Business

    From a small restaurant to a large manufacturing operation.

Introducing C-Degreeº Affordable -Remote Temperature Monitoring


Food Safety

Our team of experts in food safety assist you in developing HACCP plans, improving your food safety protocol.


So long, paper logs! C-Shield is a cloud-based, electronic monitoring system specific to food safety compliance.


C-Trace enables you to identify, track and surgically recall only the finished product and inventory that contains a contaminated ingredient.


C-Degreeº provides affordable, wireless 24/7 temperature monitoring to ensure the integrity of temperature-sensitive products.

Your Food Safety Specialists
C-TraceC-ShieldAutomated Compliance Monitoring + Traceability A la carte Customized Services and Solutions
Automate your paper-based systems tick-small-ico Food safety consultation

Integration support for:


Production System

Point-of-sale System

Existing Inventory System

Automated temperature monitoring system & hardware installation

Monitor & document all food safety procedures & activities tick-small-ico
Implement & document preventative controls & corrective actions from a single access point tick-small-ico
Document incident management & manage system alerts tick-small-ico
View location monitoring from a single dashboard tick-small-ico
Incorporate food safety compliance activities into your existing workflows tick-small-ico
Document compliance with your food safety plan tick-small-ico
Maintain & document traceability of all products and materials tick-small-ico
Manage product use-by dates tick-small-ico
Track raw materials from receiving through production process to finished goods shipped to customers tick-small-ico
Automate document management tied to production lot numbers tick-small-ico
Identify, track and surgically recall only finished product & inventory with a contaminated ingredient tick-small-ico
Rapid & timely response to product recalls while maintaining scope & financial impact tick-small-ico
Contact for Pricing
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ConcernTrak is your food safety partner.

Our goal is not to reinvent the wheel. Our goal is to improve it.